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Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is the energy that can be obtained from carbon-neutral natural sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat and that can be obtained from sources that are naturally replenished on a human time scale.[1] These resources can be listed as solar energy, wind energy, wave energy, geothermal energy, hydraulic energy, and biomass energy.[2] This type of energy source is the opposite of fossil fuels, which are used much faster than they are being regenerated.
This energy source, which has extremely positive aspects compared to fossil fuels, also has some risks.
According to a study by raptor experts from the California Energy Commission, about 1,000 birds die each year due to wind turbines in AltamontPass (California). Birds may strike the turbine blade, carrier structure, certain parts of the tower or related transmission distribution lines. Similar findings are also found in a collective study of 127 case studies of the German Society for Nature Conversion (NABU). Even in wind turbines in Germany alone, 169 birds have been found dead since 1989 and 245 bats since 1998.
The Full Story

Figure 1. A wind turbine built on bird migration routes
In addition, wind turbines cause noise pollution as well as harmful effects on living life. According to Prof. Bae Myung-jin from the Sound Engineering Laboratory at Soongsil University, "Continuous exposure to extreme low frequency noise can lead to human health problems such as excessive stress, joint problems and respiratory distress. Related research data shows that many deaths have been reported in cows exposed to low-frequency noise for a long time, which can also affect the human body.” For example, the perceived noise level in decibels according to the power capacity of the wind turbine is given below.
The noise levels felt at a certain distance from the wind turbine with 600 kW and 2 MW power capacity are given in Table 1 in decibels (dB).