If you are wondering why we started the project SSL4Adults, here is what our partners at Olemisen Balanssia RY had to say about it:
During COVID-19 lockdowns and first months of pandemic there were a lot of unclear-non-scientific posts,news across the social media as well as all WhatsApp groups. Covid-19 itself represents a socioscientific issue with many different facets and societal impacts for the countries.
Socioscientific issues are socially significant, real-world issues that are culturally important and grounded in science. Using a socioscientific issues approach to engage adults/citizens in ill-structured problems in science and health issues which we feel highly important for ourselves and for our communities.
Dr. Mehmet Demirbag from Uludag University which has been working and writing essays on that disciplines came with an idea to develop a project and raise the awareness and train low-skilled adults by using Erasmus+ as a tool for that.
Socio-scientific issues (SSI) are controversial issues that involve the concepts of science and technology and do not have definite answers (For example; Genetically modified organisms, cloning, organ transplantation, Covid 19 etc.). These issues inherently have ethical, moral, religious beliefs and values dimensions.So we would like to explore what is underlying beliefs that affects our decision-making process.
